The Genidia is a new concept office/posture chair with cutting edge aesthetics, breakthrough bonding design and interactive sitting posture engineering.
Its twisted structure optimises strength, allowing it to create a consistent thin edge throughout the entire frame. A custom integrated mechanism offers many areas of adjustment without disrupting the chair’s flow.
Also available with the Genidia is a ‘Sitting Posture Warning Device’ which can help users to correct their sitting posture, allowing them to be seated in a healthier way. After turning on the device, if the user has an incorrect sitting posture more than a minute, the device will be activated to alert the user.
Sitting Posture Warning Device add-on is also available
Mesh is made from elastomeric polyester mesh
Seat frame and headrest is made of nylon
Back frame is made of a combination of nylon and TPR
4D armrest is made from plastic, aluminium, metal and polyurethane
I already have my office chair but, if you need to buy one for yourself, I would suggest that you look no further than the Ergohuman chair range. I have the enjoy office chair, though my colleague swears by the Enjoy office chair model but it really depends on what you’re looking for. One of the points that should affect your decision is your body frame but the nature of your job is also important. What I mean by that second consideration is do you sit down all day long or are you always up and down, does the job involve a lot of twisting (maybe your filing cabinets are right next to you and you don’t have to actually leave your seat to put something away).
For me, the seat tilt and slide and the backrest tilt mean that I can get my back and my bottom to fit comfortably into the Nefil chair, so that I am actually using its magnificent features to support the whole of my back. That means that I am making use of the lumbar support that the chair back gives. My girlfriend likes the Enjoy office chair, as it has autoflex zones in the lumbar support feature and this does it for her.
All of the Ergohuman chair models are to die for, as a lot of thinking has gone into their design. They all have many features and adjustments and I suppose the most noticeable difference is the look of the chair. I just love the simple look and the ergohuman’s chair back from the rear reminds me of the old-style beer bottle opener. The chair looks good and makes me feel good. With its ribbed look back support, the Enjoy appeals to my friend and that’s fine.
One thing we both agreed on was the choice of fabric. Though the leather is very nice, we much preferred the airiness of the mesh. It’s easy to wipe clean and is a chair that breathes, if you know what I mean.
I’m really pleased that I was guided towards the Ergohuman range of chairs. It was sound advice and that’s why I am passing the same information on. There’s an interesting range of colours to choose from as well. And as regards to that sound advice … don’t forget to pass it on.
Not sure how to pronounce it? You’re not alone. Some may argue that Feng Shui is just non sense and ancient superstition, other will have a natural respect and mild curiosity without going to the extend of putting any Feng Shui rules into practice – the common excuse being I don’t know enough about it. There seems to be a great deal of mystery surrounding Feng Shui, when many of the basic rules are only common sense. It is primarily based on being in control of the situation whether at home or at work. Position your bed or chair so that you feel secure and cannot be taken by surprise by someone bursting into the room. Avoid positioning furniture in straight lines along the walls. Be organic, nature is all curves, not angles, think ergonomic.
The same rules apply to the office environment. An office worker will not give his best performance with his back turned to the door, or a stream of collegues passing by or coming up on him from behind. He would feel hastled and nervous and would have to constantly watch his back. Any of us would naturally feel uneasy in such a position. Additionally being trapped in a cubicle with no view will not make the employees happy. Without adding chimes, mirrors and money plants everywhere, great benefits can still be added to the workplace by applying some of the main Feng Shui rules. Ideally it is best to first draw up a plan of your office, superimpose the Pa Kwa map and see where each area falls. Areas such as rest, wealth, friendship, health and pleasure need to be used wisely – the wealth area being ideal for the shop’s till while the friendship area could be used by the sales-team to enhance relationships with clients. Understandably, this may not always be possible as office space is often at a premium. However small changes will improve the workforce happiness and should have an immediate and long-term impact on sales, creativity and staff retention.
In Japan, it is not uncommon for employees to refuse working in bad Feng Shui positions; these rules are indeed taken very seriously. Pillars have to be moved and office partitioning has to be rearranged to create a positive working environment for all employees. To maximise the space in my home office I actually confess that I have my back to the door. But all is not lost, as Feng Shui offers a range of remedies. In this case I just have to hang a mirror on the wall to alert me of an intruder! I see this as a temporary solution and I am quite keen to apply most of the Feng Shui rules as soon as I buy a new office desk and matching filing cabinets.
If I’ve heard my wife say the above statement once, I’ve heard her say it a billion times. In fact, I’ve made similar statements in my “course” of the day – like in the kitchen. I love to cook and know that if you aren’t using quality pans, appliances, and utensils, your work is harder and your results aren’t as pleasing.
We both agree that the truth of the statement is even more vital to work than to play.
When it comes to Office Furniture and Home Office Furniture , equipment, accessories, and Supplies , your brain knows (and responds) when you’re serious enough about what you’re doing to demand that your furniture and tools be just as serious about what they’re doing!
In the history of our home business, I’ve worked on the living room couch, at the dining room table, on the deck, at the patio table, even in the bath tub. However, when I’m stationed at a top quality desk like the Home Office Computer Desk from Office Furniture Extra (pictured below) and sitting in a chair my body finds most agreeable , like the Ergohuman High Back Mesh Office Chairwith Headrest (pictured below), the creativity flows SO MUCH more freely. It’s as though my brain cells say, “She’s serious about this, let’s give her all we’ve got…”
Ergohuman Chair with Leg Rest Electric Height Adjustable Desks
Since I need….no, let’s make that Since I REALLY need my brain cells to make a call to action more often, I’ve started doing all of my writing and brainstorming at my workcenter.
One of my favorite parts of my workday is when I come across fresh suppliers, online stores, and manufacturers. It’s like finding a new store in the mall you’d never seen before – everythings new and promising. I especially love when my new find is relevant to one of our blogs – then I get to tell others about it. Just Office Furniture Business Solutions is one you’ll want to check out. Not only do they have beautiful office furniture and accessories, the delivery is included in the price on most products so you don’t get stung at the checkout.
Choosing an ergonomic office chair can be difficult due to the complexities associated with the functions and features available. Sitting in the correct posture while you are working is paramount and will help in the short-term and more importantly in the long-term. Once you have accepted that posture is important for a healthy back, the right chair should go further than simple ergonomic by training your body to sit correctly. Some ergonomic chairs provide ergonomic features but if you keep sitting with the wrong posture you will have the same problems prior to using an ergonomic chair.
There are 2 examples of bad practices that instantly come to mind: having a pad between you and your keyboard will force you to lean forward and you will lose the back support of the chair. Some people will even sit with one leg folded on the seat pan. Nowadays ergonomic engineering and technology is pushing new boundaries and some of the most recommended ergonomic chairs will promote a good posture simply by not letting you sit incorrectly. How do they do that? Basically, you will feel very comfortable and supported if you are sitting correctly. However if you are sitting in the position which gives you no back support, for instance on the edge of the seat, within seconds you will feel like correcting your posture because of the lack of comfort.
Once you get used to the chair, you will soon feel the benefits. After a few weeks you may also feel that the chair helps to strengthen your body. This would come from the back-rest of the chair pushing gently against your back giving you support. As a natural response your body will push back against the back-rest of the chair using your back muscles – in essence working out the muscles in your back and strengthening them.
If you suffer from back pain a good ergonomic chair combined with regular gentle/slow stretching exercises to loosen your back will go a long way. If you had back pain treatment from a physiotherapist you would have been given treatment for the problem and probably a sheet of recommended exercises to strengthen your back. For some people, when the weather gets cold and damp, aches and pains start to appear like clockwork – as if they were by direct debit. If such is the case, you should make sure you do the stretching exercises especially during that time of the year.
Then it’s back to being conscious of your posture again, key to this is the ergonomic chair. So which is the best chair for you? What else do you need to complete you ergonomic office configuration to create the perfect ergonomic working environment whether at work or at home?
Once you have the right ergonomic office chair, and the right ergonomic desk, the items you use on your desk need to come to you rather than you reaching out repeatedly all day long. Try and pause for a moment and plan how to rearrange your desk so that what you use the most is easily reachable. Do you have to reach out in an odd position to grab a pen? Do you have to twist yourself downwards to target the bin? Is your phone close enough and on the right side of the desk? Is your monitor at the right height or do you find yourself looking down and tensing your neck muscles over time? All these are considerations that will need to be addressed to create the perfect ergonomic set-up. There are also a range of ergonomic accessories which will perform these necessary adjustments to get everything just right!